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Voodoo Leatherworks Fetish & BDSM Club

Address: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-244-3991
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.voodooleatherworks.com/
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/86019

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In 2013, Voodoo Leatherworks opened its doors as the first legal private membership club dedicated to the exploration of alternative sexual activities in Southern Colorado. Voodoo Leatherworks is a counter-culture community center that provides support to anyone living a consent-based alternative lifestyle, including LGBTQAI+, fetishists, swingers, polyamorous groups, and most anyone who has had a difficult time finding acceptance in a “vanilla” society.

We provide support to these groups by:

  • Creating a safe, welcoming space to live a consensual lifestyle.
  • Providing free education programs that are facilitated by active and experienced members of local organizations.
  • Hosting regularly-scheduled alternative social events for members.
  • Providing an outlet for alternative artists and vendors to create and sell their work.
  • Promoting local community-owned businesses.
  • Offering free HIV testing to members through the Southern Colorado AIDS Project (S-CAP).

Most every dollar Voodoo earns is invested back into supporting the community by supporting its free educational programs, social events, and networking opportunities. 80–90% of all sales go directly to the artists and vendors.

We are a private social club located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Any events involving nudity or play require membership in the private social club owned and operated by Voodoo Leatherworks LLC.

We have many events going on every week! You can see our full and most up to date events calendar HERE

“Why do we charge membership??”

We do this for several reasons. First and foremost, safety.

Believe it or not, there are predators out there in the Community and most of those predatory behaviors occur in private locations like hotels and private homes. Voodoo was created to provide everyone with access to a safe, clean and well-monitored space. We have a zero tolerance policy on predatory and other harassing behaviors and most predators stay far away from locations where their actions can be observed by the community-at-large.

Secondly, Voodoo is able to provide free educational events every week. These educational programs are facilitated by various groups and individuals from around the state. We do our best to keep all of our educational events free or low cost and hope to be able to do so for a very long time.

Paid events and paid membership make this possible. For every party our members attend, for every piece of equipment, art or fetish gear you purchase, you are directly contributing to the livelihood of a hard-working artist, the education of a person new to alternative lifestyles and the continuation of a counter-culture presence in Southern Colorado.

Thirdly, it keeps us legal, and that keeps us running. Rule #1, no one goes to jail (unless they’re really bad).

Full members also get discounts at certain social and art events and on studio/private rentals.

How much is membership?

Membership: $20.00 per person for a year

Renewal is $10.00

Social Membership $5.00/yr

This is a good way to dip your toes into the waters. It allows you to attend events such as game nights, dances and our Voodoo Magic nights, which are BYOB. It does not include full member discounts or any of our swingers or dungeon parties. If you wish to upgrade to full membership, you will receive a $5 discount.

Community Opportunity Card

If you attend a lot of events at Voodoo, we would like to thank you with a free party! Just show off your COC at any paid event and we will happily punch it for you! Once your COC is full, just whip out your COC at the next party and get in for FREE! You can also earn extra punches (get free parties faster) by volunteering at the club.

Can non-members attend as my guest?
Non-members may attend parties if they are the accompanied as a guest of a Member. The sponsoring member will need to be attending said event with guest and will be responsible for the conduct of their guests and the guest will need to pay the guest fee of $15.00 + the door fee for the evening’s event.

Orientation, waivers, rules:

ALL members must sign waivers and accept the terms outlined in the membership agreement. This agreement covers things like non-disclosure, safety, dungeon etiquette, dungeon rules, etc.

ALL members must attend an orientation. We host an orientation class most Saturday nights and at some of our social events. Please ensure that you bring a current photo ID with you.

  • Dungeon Party New Member Orientation is at 6:00pm unless otherwise stated.
  • Swingers Party New Member Orientation is at 7:00pm on the 4th Saturday of the month.

The club has been growing A LOT and with growth, comes a unique set of difficulties as more and more people with different levels of experience from different backgrounds, interests and lifestyles become members. I’d like to take a second to talk a bit about our events, expectations, policies and rules so that we can do a better job of making things more consistent.

  1. Voodoo hosts a lot of different parties that cater to a lot of different lifestyles and it’s important to understand the cultural differences between these events.
    Tasting Parties: 1st Saturdays
    This is designed to let people come out and try out different BDSM experiences as presented by our tasting presenters. Great party for new folks!! On the first Saturday of each month, we will have a full dungeon party with toy bag tours and several tasting stations, so you can try a few things if you’d like. Each month will have a few different stations where a presenter will let you try a certain activity, such as flogging, caning, needles, electricity, etc…

Come join our members in a night of consensual BDSM play in our fully-stocked dungeon with over 3000 square feet of play space, 15 play stations, suspension hard-points and plenty of room to play. This party is for members of our private social club and their invited guests only.

  • Note: Fetish Tastings will run all evening, but play is still allowed around the dungeon, however the Fetish Tasting stations get the priority on time, location and furniture usage.

This party can get loud and a little chaotic and we encourage people to speak with our presenters at the event so as to promote education and understanding of the things that they are demonstrating. THIS IS THE ONLY PARTY WHERE IT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO SPEAK TO A TOP OR ASK TO BE “NEXT” WHILE THEY ARE ENGAGED WITH A BOTTOM.

We definitely encourage conversation and cross talk during this event and so if you are looking for an intimate, quiet space for your play, this may not be the best event to do that.

Dungeon Parties: 2nd & 3rd Saturdays

Dungeon Parties (Including Heavy Hitters Parties and other BDSM play parties) are designed to allow members to engage other members in consensual, kinky play in a quiet environment that allows for them to connect intimately with their play partner. We keep the dungeon play area quieter for this reason, so please ensure that you’re respecting the sanctity of the space by taking your social conversations to the social area.
Scenes can get noisy and full of erotic squeaks, moans and screams… and that’s totally okay! We want you to enjoy your scene in the way you enjoy it best, so if your scene happens to be a loud one, that’s okay. What’s not okay is crowding around someone else’s scene, chatting with your friends and disturbing people who are there to play when there is a designated social area designed for you to have those discussions.
It’s okay to observe someone else’s scene, but if you do please remember the following:

  1. Observe from a respectful and safe distance. This means to stay out of the way of flying implements and try to stay out of the line-of-sight of the people playing as it poses a distraction to both parties.
  2. If you observe something you feel is unsafe, abusive, non-consensual, etc – inform the DM (who can be identified as those wearing a glow stick).
  3. DMs are the only people who should ever speak to the people actively engaged in a scene.
    It’s a good practice to inform the DM about the type of scene you will be doing for a few reasons:
  4. DMs can help you find an appropriate place to set up, based on the type of scene you’re doing.
  5. DMs can better address concerns from guests who approach them if they know what’s going on.
  6. DMs can ensure they have the appropriate equipment on hand to respond in case of an emergency.
    Voodoo is a sex-positive space and as such, sex is allowed at all of our play parties – that includes Dungeon parties, Swingers Parties, Heavy Hitters Parties and Fusion Parties. But just because we are sex positive, does not mean that it’s okay to touch others (or their belongings) without their permission. Ask “May I…” and then wait for their response before touching, hugging, etc. Also keep in mind that just because someone gives you permission for a hug, it doesn’t mean they consented to a kiss, a grope or a lingering grind against their pelvis. It also doesn’t mean that you can always touch or hug that person whenever you see them. It shows respect to someone to ask their permission to share their personal space.
    “No” is always an acceptable answer and should always be respected. Don’t take it personally if someone you asked for a hug or to touch declines your request. They may just be in a bad mood or feel raw after a tough scene.
    Alcohol is not allowed at Dungeon or Heavy Hitters Parties. Members who are caught drinking alcohol or clearly appear to be intoxicated at non-alcohol events will be asked to leave the event and have their membership suspended for 3 months.
    Play is not allowed in the Social area nor in the Parking lot. This includes showing off your toys.
    So a reminder for Dungeon parties:
  7. Take conversations to the Social Area
  8. Don’t crowd or linger around scenes and observe scenes from a respectful distance
  9. Do not talk with people who are in the middle of a scene (This includes during setup, clean up and aftercare) Wait until they have completely disengaged from their “headspace” before engaging them in conversation.
  10. Alcohol is not allowed at Dungeon parties
  11. No play in the social/public areas

Fusion Parties (Dates vary)

Fusion Parties are a mix of social interaction, sex-positive culture and light BDSM play. We allow alcohol in moderation at Fusion parties and because of that, BDSM play should be light and less extreme than what you might see at a regular Dungeon Party. “Light BDSM play” will generally be at the DMs discretion, but a good example of prohibited play at Fusion parties are:

  • Fireplay
  • Bloodplay (Cutting, piercing, etc)
  • Breathplay
  • Suspension
  • Heavy Impact
  • Singletails
    Essentially, any play that could be determines as “Edge Play” should be avoided. DMs may make exceptions at their discretion based on the players’ experience level, whether or not they have consumed any alcohol and the environment at the time.
    Even though Fusion parties are louder and more social, it’s still not appropriate to touch others (or their property) without their permission, engage people who are engaged in their scene or disrupt play by crowding or loud conversations in the play area.

Swingers Parties

Swingers culture is very different from kink culture and these parties reflect a lot of those differences. Even so, there are also some similarities.
Swingers parties allow BYOB alcohol and are for our members who are 21+. These parties are very flirty and include ice-breaker games like naughty Jenga or Strip poker in the play area. Because of these games and how they often result in play or nudity, we allow for the play area to be much louder than what you would find at a Dungeon party.
But even though the play area can get loud and flirty, that doesn’t mean that you’re welcome to grope people without their permission, interrupt play or invade privacy. No still means no and play areas that have posted a “No Peeking” sign are people asking for you to give them a little privacy. DMs and Managers are the only people authorized to enter a play area with play in progress, so please respect the space by giving some space to people who are asking for it.
While Swingers parties are geared more towards couples who are looking for other couples, single men are allowed to attend given that we have enough couples and single women to support it. We maintain a 3 to 1 Couples to Single men ratio to avoid being overwhelmed by single men who are interested in participating.
Transfolk, queer, gender-fluid, gender neutral, non-binary members are also welcome to attend any of our parties in whatever gender they identify with. It is not our practice to question a member’s gender identity or relationship status at any event. Additionally, Gay, Queer and Lesbian Couples are also welcome to attend at our couples rate. We will maintain this practice and will not question a gender or orientation as long as we feel people are not abusing our trust. Eventually, we hope to move away from any pricing that applies to gender or relationship orientation and/or status.
While we allow sex at all members parties, we do not allow BDSM at Swingers parties. Currently, Swingers only have 1-2 events per month and we want to give them the environment they’ve asked for. So, while a little slap on the ass or some hair-pulling in a consensual, sexual scene is okay… leave the whips and rope at home for this one. We offer PLENTY of opportunities for Kinksters to get their kink on.
Wristbands and Lighting “Codes” to help set the tone:
To help members understand better about the type of party we’re hosting and what some of our other members may be interested in, we’ve established a few visual guides.


Play space lighting (The LED lights along the center beam) will be set to whatever type of party we’re hosting. Dungeon , Social/Tasting/Swingers, and Fusion.

  • RED Lights – Dungeon party. Keep noise down, don’t interrupt, don’t crowd.
  • BLUE Lights – Fusion Party. A little louder is okay, but still don’t crowd or interrupt
  • PURPLE Lights – Swingers Party. Loud, flirty and social is okay, but still don’t interrupt scenes
  • GREEN Lights – Social/Tastings. Feel free to talk to presenters, ask questions and socialize

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Other local BDSM parties in Colorado (CO)

  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • Facebook and Instagram of alternative sex. There is no place for many popular and successful social networks because if you use one or two – you will not use others, because you don’t have time and because you can already find all people at networks you use. So at the place which we will discover to you, you will find the most of various perverts in your location and in locations you plan to visit. That place is in the top 3000 most visited websites of the world and has the biggest user base among fetish and BDSM people
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • Number 1 non-vanilla dating app for BDSM/fetish sex - the Tinder+Bumble+OkCupid+Badoo, all in the same place, but full of naked photos of bodies, dicks and vaginas of members who want only one thing: no string attached perverted sex with you!
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This is a group for the plush ladies who reside in Colorado and for anyone who supports BBWs. We would like to discuss relevant topics. Although we may encourage people to explore their interests with others, hooking up is not the sole purpose of this group and hookup messages/personal ads, if that is all that they are will be deleted if in the wrong place. If people would like a hookup thread, we’ll put one in the stickies. Please also post your intro in the appropriate sticky and don’t hit on people in threads here. So, with that said, we ask that you do not advertise yourself, except in the assigned sticky. We also ask that your posts or comments…
  • Colorado (CO) > Boulder city
  • We may not have a public dungeon, a regular kinky gathering, or many people who claim to be both kinky AND from Boulder, but we’re around damn it. And we should start being a bit more social with each other. Perhaps we can create some of these things.  
  • Colorado (CO) > Colorado Springs city
  • Welcome to Celebration of Power Celebration of Power is a private club based in Colorado Springs, formed in 2000, to give the Community a safe place to learn and explore the lifestyle. We currently have a few functions such as members only play parties and our “First Friday Munch” that is open to anyone and everyone. We are a pansexual organization and we take great pride in being open to all of our brothers and sisters in the lifestyle. The first step to becoming a member of Celebration of Power is to attend one of our munches and meet the board members. The munches are designed to give folks a non-threatening and casual way to get out and meet people…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This group is for Clean Sluts in Colorado to connect with like minded individuals looking for Bareback play and friends. That is why Clean is Mandatory . Support for True Sluts and everything that means. Both Male Sluts and Female Sluts Welcome. Rules: MUST be Disease free and able to prove so…. Must live in the state of Colorado…. Must be a Slut and looking to play…. Must adhere to all FetLife Guidelines, so Read them!!! Play and contact must be Nice, Respectful, Supportive, Nasty, Fun. Don’t be stupid — treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t argue for the sake of argument. Nothing is wrong with good discussions Please don’t spam our group — ask first… __This group is…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • A group that provides support to its members, education and promote the sane and safr practice of BDSM. Open to all open minded adults!
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • A group for Colorado Kinksters. This group is dedicated to free speech and open, transparent processes. The Moderators Log will be kept current so any and all actions moderators/owners of the group take will be well documented and freely available to the public. Any and all conversations are fair game here providing they don’t conflict with the very basic and limited rules below. Rules: No personal ads Follow Fet TOU Don’t do dumb! (this is admittedly more of a guideline than a hard and fast ‘rule’!)
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • Welcome! Mature to younger and younger to mature. This is a club where we can communicate with each other like ourselves, date who we please without any prejudices, assist each other in understanding the Culture, where to go to meet, dating etiquette, LTR, marriage and children. Please share your experiences, thoughts, opinions you may have with the Cougars and Cubs. Please welcome everyone who joins our group. Thanks, Colorado Cougars and Cubs Club Rules: The rules are fairly easy to club members: be nice and respect each other. Just treat everyone how you like to be treated. Let’s mingle, explore, find places to meet, share ideas, and have fun. HOW TO SUPPORT THE GROUP: Support Colorado Cougars and Cub Club…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This is a discussion group for dominant women in Colorado and those who love, honor, and respect us. Rules: Please post your personals on the Colorado Personals Fetlife group. Seeking? READ THE STICKIES ON PERSONAL ADS FIRST!!! Personal ads posted here will be allowed to stay up if: they are from submissives looking for dominant women (“woman” being anyone who identifies as a woman, regardless of genitalia) they are from dominant women looking for submissives. the poster has clearly read the rules and has tried in good faith to follow them. Ads that appear to be primarily seeking sex or are from do-me bottoms/tops (especially if it’s clear the poster hasn’t read the sticky for posting guidelines) will be edited for the moderators’…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • Welcome to the Gang Bang Group of Colorado Yes, this is a gang bang bang group. The goal of this group is to find like minded individuals who might like to get together once a month or more to meet, to play and to make friends. I am hoping to have several things happen once we find enough willing participants. Organized parties safe parties fun parties Women definitely encouraged to apply  
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • A group for those of us from Colorado or visiting who are kinky in our own ways to meet others. Open to Gay, Bi, or those who are open to the man on man lovin! Please introduce yourself when you join the group.  
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • I have been interested in Glory Holes for some time now, but it is hard to find a decent, organized listing. So, I decided to make a group for each state. Open to all, but please only list holes that reside in this state, as there will be a group for every state. Try to list addresses if known, for those who may not be familiar with certain cities. Also, please list if said hole is serviced by males, females, or both, and what days are good to frequent them. Rules: Just be good to one another. I don’t actively monitor all of my groups, so if anyone notices a problem please send me a direct message. Please, do not…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This group is for people into discussing, and participating in, hiking / camping with other kinky types at sites in Colorado. If there is a sticky for your topic, please limit your post to the related sticky. No personal ads allowed except to find camping partners. Please post introductions in the introductions thread Do you know a place you’d recommend? Do you have camping stuff? Do you like smores, campfires, canoeing, spanking, bacon, fishing, beer, hiking, skinny-dipping, and strange sounds coming from nearby tents in the wild chilly starry night? Well, then, sounds like you should join right up. Rules: Be cool, experienced, respectful, adult humans in the local scene. Don’t be horny weirdo creeps who don’t know anybody we…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This is a group for identification of and communication between Polyamorous and BDSM households in Colorado as well discussions about issues, challenges, and other topics regarding multiple adult households. For the purposes of this group, “households” will be defined as: a real life living space of 1 or more structures holding 2 or more people who live a Ds or poly lifestyle in some form. This includes poly, medieval, Gorean, Old Guard, relationship-based, kink-based, spiritually-based, protocol-based or other. This group is open to all and everyone is encouraged to create and participate in discussions, even if you are not currently in a poly/bdsm household. However, the following types of posts will be deleted: Topic threads not relating to the purpose…
  • Colorado (CO) > Colorado Springs city
  • This group is designed to inform folks about the goings on in Colorado Springs and other areas of the Colorado Scene. It is not limited to just events, and can also include discussions about the lifestyle and kink friendly topics. Please feel free to post your events here in their own individual threads. Please be respectful in the posts here, we realize people have varying opinions’, please respect the differences, and keep the positivity flowing. Remember that a consensus is not always our goal in a discussion. Each person in this lifestyle lives it differently and we should respect those opinions even when we do not share them. We do not want to moderate posts, but reserve the right to…
  • Colorado (CO) > Colorado Springs city
  • Group to help find who and/or what you are looking for in the Colorado Springs area. Primarily for relationship seekers. Rules: Derogatory and flaming posts will be deleted and the writer banned. We are all adults here please act like it. Refer to people as people or their chosen identities such as sub/dom. As an example don’t write a post about looking for you cumwhore dumpster slut that you are going to use and abuse and then share whether they like it or not. Try to be a little classy and treat people like humans not objects until your in a relationship with them. Posts with little substance, posters with little to no info or picture on profile are subject…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This group is for Colorado submissives, slaves, bottoms, pet, girl, boy, etc or any combination regardless of gender or experience. If you profile lists you as dominant then you can be removed from the group. Rules: No spamming or personal want ads allowed. This includes comments in to other people’s threads. You may post your events or parties here. Please maintain civility in posting and responding. You may disagree, but let’s remain adults and refrain from personal attacks, drama, etc. The saying, “Do unto others…” applies here. Your posts will only be moderated if they are found offensive, do not stay within the posting guidelines or they consist of defaming or are created with the purpose to create drama. If…
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • A place for Northern Colorado couples can meet local playmates and curious kinksters can find couples to play with! Fet is just too big. Meet the local people who want the same thing! Rules: Northern Colorado Kinksters only please. (N. Of Denver) Couples looking for third. Singles looking for couples. Please be respectful and make new friends!!!
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • This is a group for those living in or visiting Colorado who are crossdressers, drag queens, transvestites and their admirers. We will discuss local places to buy drag items, events, places to do while dressed up, tips, activities, etc. Straight, gay, bi, pansexual All welcome! Rules: Members must be polite and respectful of others.  
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • Our main goal is to further educate those who have already attended gateway or wish to do so as their intro to BDSM,fetish and kink community. Very helpful for those new into the scene.
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • Anyone interested in threesomes and foursomes? Any combo can be fun! 🙂 You can find singles, couples or those already in a relationship who may want to share their personal experiences or are simply looking for someone(s). Personals are encouraged. Remember to add your location, type of play, and sexual orientation. Do not make references to illegal drug use in your ads, please. These will be deleted. Ads with phone numbers attached will have the phone number redacted. Replies will be deleted since mods cannot edit replies.  
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • For those who LOVE Everything to do with Blowjobs to connect with in Denver or Colorado Rules: All FetLife Community Guidelines will be respected and followed. So READ THEM. Be nice play fair have fun share  
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • The art of rope bondage has long been one of the more obscure and the most beautiful forms of kink. Those who love rope bondage love it a great deal. Those who don’t do rope bondage, usually appreciate the art but have a hard time comprehending it and/or don’t want to take the time to learn it. , etc., please go to the Denver Bound Website under construction. YES!!! Denver Bound started classes up. We started Denver Bound classes up In our own home studio. Classes are small but I could hear the laughing from the students and this all was music to my ears as well as others. The nice thing is the students that were in class when…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • Denver munch is a group that organizes meetings every second Friday of the month for the purpose of getting to know one another and spending a good time. All who are interested in learning more about the BDSM community are welcome.
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • The Denver Sanctuary is a PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP Social Club for folks who practice or are interested in the BDSM Lifestyle. COVID-19 has put quite a crimp in the way the club runs. PRIOR to COVID-19 we offered play parties as well as a variety of meetings, discussion groups, classes and social events. The club is continually changing to try to best meet the needs of the folks looking for kinky education, play and social opportunities. Please check the calendar, link at the top of the page (blue), for updated information. If you click the title of the event another window will open with all the information about the event. To attend any play party event you need to be a…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • Bondage. Demos. Pop culture references. Tuesday nights are great for kink! Join the TNG crowd (The Next Generation – ages 19- 35) for the monthly, mid-week play parties at The Denver Sanctuary. If you’re new to the community, these parties are a relaxed and fun social-and-play event. Meet kinksters like you, and learn about different kinks and fetishes through the demos and presentations offered throughout the night. Rules: Please don’t be a tool or a troll. Personal ads will be deleted and you will be permabanned. “Shadow-posting” – Leaving the group after making a post to avoid accountability is not tolerated and will result in being kicked or banned from the group at the mods discretion. Suspected sock puppet accounts…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • Any aspect of BDSM is of interest to us. All of the BDSM community in Denver and other areas of Colorado are free to join!
  • Colorado (CO) > Thornton city
  • A private membership group for all those interested in BDSM. We create an environment where all can explore their fantasies as well as learn new things about the lifestyle. The ultimate beauty of rope lies in the aesthetic fulfillment of both the sadistic and masochistic desires. Since 1998 Denver Bound has stayed true to the sadomasochistic roots of rope bondage within a culture of eroticism and trust. Facilitating connection between partners is central to Denver Bound’s philosophy. We believe that the deeply erotic component of a scene is possible only with an established foundation of consent and communication. Beginning with basic ties, Denver Bound progressively builds on mastered skills to incorporate increasingly complex and intense ties. In addition to developing…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • A discussion group that meets every Thursday afternoon. Come early as space is limited. An open discussion for all to share skills, ideas and experiences!
  • Colorado (CO) > Brighton ##
  • A group that is committed in making the world a safer plave for all leather/fetish individuals through charitable giving, education and advocacy. Our purpose is to inform and support the leather community!
  • Colorado (CO) > Longmont city
  • Into leather? Come meet other like minds and share skills, ideas and experiences in our meetings held monthly. Learn and socialize with others and gain more confidence to explore your sexuality! All are free to join us!
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • Rocky Mountain Leather Alliance promotes a unifying force in the diversity of the gay and leather communities. The group holds various educational events, parties and munches.
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • An informational organization for all those into lifestyle. All above 18 years of age are welcome. Our mission is to support all our members on issues pertaining the lifestyle and share our ideas and experiences!
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • A self identified leather boys group in Denver. The groups goal is to unite in brotherhood and boyhood. The group offers support to its members with respect!
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • This is a great way for the munch attendees to find each other after meeting at the munch, say hello, and keep in touch!! The Denver Munch is a monthly meeting, following the national tradition of offering the BDSM community a meeting place, usually in a vanilla setting, to eat, drink, meet your community and see your lifestyle friends. We welcome all Coloradoans interested in or involved with the BDSM lifestyle and those visiting our area. Please check the stickies for our calendar and event links. As always, we reserve the right to ask someone to leave for the evening, or ban them completely from attending the munch. The Denver Munch has full discretion in these matters. We are a…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • The Denver Sub Group is designed to facilitate the growth and well-being of individuals who identify as bottom/sub/slave/owned in the context of BDSM. We explore various topics concerning our roles and responsibilities in service to others, as well as how that translates into our everyday lives. Our purpose is to foster a healthy/positive environment in which we can share ideas and experiences with one another. We meet once a month at the Denver Sanctuary for live discussions on various topics. Our group welcomes bottoms/subs/slaves and switches “with their sub hats on” of all genders and sexual orientations. Confidentiality. We do ask that all who attend our live discussion meetings to please respect that everything said is confidential and needs to be kept…
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • The Dever FOLD is a fraternal organization for dominants. Formed by Master Lee alongside his friend master Gregory, the organization has a lot to offer its members!
  • Colorado (CO) > Denver city
  • All lifestylers are welcome to our events. Connect with us on facebook or send us an email for more nformation!
  • United States of America (USA) > Colorado (CO)
  • A best place to start and continue your insanely active and at the same time safe alternative sexual life. It’s a way better to start it online and prepare for meetings in real life than do it at the bar or at the night club. Even BDSM dungeons and fetish conventions can be a great discouragement if you visit them without preparation. BTW most dungeons and local misstresses have their pages at the place we talk about.

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